mercredi 14 janvier 2015

Une autre photo de Faucon gerfaut gris pâle (pas blanc) sur le chemin Laflèche près de Moose Creek

Faucon Gerfaut (Gyrfalcon) près de Moose Creek

Two of North America's top Hawk experts separately called the said bird a light intermediate or light gray morph. Please see their comments below:

Date: January 4, 2015 at 6:50:03 PM EST
To: Snowyowl
Subject: Re: Les oiseaux des comtés unis de Prescott /Russell, Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry et d'ailleurs
I would call this a light intermediate morph in the cline from white to dark. Paler than a gray but darker than darker light.

Bill Clark had this to say:

Your adult is not a white morph Gyr, as it has a faint moustache mark and blobs and brownish cast to upper wing coverts. It is the pale extreme of adult gray morph, called by falconers as silver Gyr.  Likewise, the juvenile on the blog is a gray morph juvenile Gyr. 

1 commentaire:

C Naturel a dit...

Bravo, superbe photo, et magnifique observation!